- 蓝牙协议链路层状态机
- CC2640 TI-RTOS BLE Protocol Stack This section describes the functionality of the Bluetooth low energy protocol stack and provides a list of APIs to interface with the protocol stack. The stack project and its associated files serve to implement the Bluetooth low energy protocol stack task.
- CC2640 TI-RTOS 支持的模块 This chapter describes modules that provide APIs for some basic support features and configuration parameters that manage overall application behavior.
- CC2640 TI-RTOS 时间服务 Clock负责内核用于保持时间轨道的周期性系统tick。所有SYS/BIOS APIs都会用一个Timeout参数来表示根据clock ticks设置的timeout。时钟模块默认情况下使用 ti.sysbios.hal.Timer模块所创建的计时器来产生系统tick,基于周期性调用Clock_tick()。
- CC2640 TI-RTOS 线程同步机制 Software Architecture
- CC2640 TI-RTOS SYS/BIOS启动时序 SYS/BIOS启动顺序在逻辑上划分为两个阶段:main()函数之前被调用的和main()函数之后被调用的。启动函数中的每一种启动顺序都在不同地方提供了控制指针供用户操作。
- 走出困境
- Ubuntu下使用QEMU模拟Cortex-A9编译运行u-boot
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